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Sunday, July 26, 2009


... or, so says Clark Griswold, ya know it? yup. the old Vacation
is rollin' along pretty nicely, if'n I do say so myself. hey, we even
got a Family Truckster, but it's a lot better than the Griswolds'.
say, how do you like the image up top, there, campers? that's a
fucking classic, if I ever saw one. the old Ass-Paddlin', there, is
the toppers, you bet. yeah, yeah, I know~ I missed a few posts
here the last week or so... but, hey, I haven't had a real Vacation
in years and years (no, unemployment does not count), and I gots
to take advantage of the situation, I'm here to tell you. I'll admit,
Nurse Dish and I have been planning this for about 6 months. wow.
now, things are comin' to a head, if ya know what I mean. the thing
about it is, there's so much stuff to choose from as far as Vacation
Activities~ which way do ya go, eh? we looked at a bunch of stuff
before we decided on an Itinerary. a bunch. some of it was just too
fucked up to seriously consider. after some careful planning and
consideration, though, we came up with a plan. come on. grab your
Marty Moose Sing Along Handbook, and strap your dear old lovable
(and dead) Aunt Edna to the fucking hood... and scroll on down...

... this was Nurse Dish, 6 months ago. she looked like
Mrs. Kenny, here. yup. we knew we needed a break...

... so, the first thing we did was to get a good camera phone.

a lot of people like to drive a long ways for their
Vacations. ya see some fucked up shit that way...

... and, ya gotta watch out for Cow Tippers, too, you bet.

others like to fly. like these two jokers, who are spending
their precious Vacation Time... recovering from Frostbite...

... inside the Arctic Circle. too fucked up for us...

... but, we did plan ahead as far as "road food" goes,
with scheduled stops at places like Crap In A Box...

... "Home of the Hulka-Burger". OMFG that fucker's HUGE...

... and the Wobbly Boots BBQ, where they
always rub their fucking meat right, yup.

we did avoid the old Hot Beef Sundae, however...

... because it came from here. talk about eating shit.

we looked at maybe renting a cabin, too, ya know...

... 'til we found out what the locals were like.

say~ this guy's in the process of getting a Hooker from
Skid Row on his Vacation. to each his own I always say...

... one thing we're gonna do is check out a Museum or 2.

ya know, Spring Break is a Vacation of sorts, too. oh, yeah...

... you bet. talk about "Higher Education". my, oh, my...

College is great. it's where someone gave this guy The Finger...

... but, when all was said and done, well, we decided we're
gonna spend most of our Vacation at Viagra Falls. yup.
very uplifting, that place, as you can clearly see from this
photograph. we'll be posting on and off for a few days...

see ya next week...

last week's
Big Blog