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Sunday, July 9, 2006


aaahh, what a fine Sunday morning, one in which I can do a normal post... unlike last week's, which took me 2 weeks to build. today, let's have a look at some more goofy car photos. some of these were Emailed to me, some I found using various search algorhythms. the one above, however, is directly from the Chicago Tribune (a newspaper), and features none other than my sister Sue (on the left). just goes to show you, I'm not the only one in the family who's touched. what's that?
oh. well, she's a nurse, of course. come on...

pay at the pump. there's something to be said
for the old-time full-service gas stations.

insert caption here. really. those look like bio-suits.

undoubtedly, the worst driver ever. EVER.

this great image has been in my cache so long,
I've forgotten the origin.
the grill's dented cause it hit someone. swell, huh?

a classic case of road rage.
only the plates have been changed to protect the innocent.

1) what was she thinking?
2) why is she posing like it's a hunting trophy?
3) what was she thinking?

Copper Concrete Shoes.
this is one magnificent bastard of a photograph.

check out this instructional photo from the
Rob Reiner Acadamy for Wayward Parking Valets.

what an interesting image.
unless, that is, you're the cyclist who's about to get hit...

... and, last, but not least, this gull was kind enough to swoop down for a photo, once he was done with this Buick... kind of like a victory lap. yup. a car covered with shtein.
I think that's my cue. exit, stage left.
see you next week.

last week's Big Atrocities