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Sunday, December 17, 2006


well, with Santa all laid up in the hospital from the Mrs going ballistic on his ass over pornography, everyone's gonna have to scramble for the next week, so's the kids will get what they deserve. I've taken the liberty to do some emergency,
last-minute shopping,
but, the pickings are slim, here, people...
... see, this late in the season, a lot of stuff is sold out. I did find
a couple of classics, though, like the rubber chicken up top.
yup. used to own one myself. what? you surprised?
hey, come check out the other loot I found...

here's another classic, Gumby & Pokey.
well, maybe it's just Gumby & Poke.

look! it's the Funny Toilet Guy!
ages 5 and up, please.

little Missy's just gonna love this one.

ooh! Boff 'Em - Boff 'Em Robots!

don't forget the lube...
... your boys are gonna need it.

say, hand grenades make great stocking-stuffers!

just ask this guy. he got one last year.

who remembers "Jarts"... without the targets?

Rabbit Jarts. God bless us, every one.

yup. My Little Pony Glue Factory. oh, my...

... and, the cream of the crop, figuratively speaking. start 'em young, I always say. real young. yup, that fat pedophile bastard would approve of this one himself, me thinks. now, hop to it, people, you only have seven days left...

... see you next week.

last week's Drive