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Sunday, May 20, 2007


how do ya like them apples? this is one way to discipline an unruly
child; the kid up top, here, definately got what he deserved, being
a sheep-fucker and all. boys will be boys, and girls will be girls, and
kids will be kids... that is, until they grow up and get a job, like maybe
flipping burgers at a fast food joint, or, maybe becoming an internet
porno actor or actress. thanks to weebl for this brutally shnoogums
. scroll on down, we've got some swell images on tap this Sunday...

some start out bad right out of the old chute. yup.
Junior, here, is making a statement early on...

... and, speaking of early on, this one wants a piece of yours.

this little guy just got done fightng. what a troublemaker.

send all your spare change to this man, Al Franken.

wow. what a dirty little bastard.

kids like this one usually become rapists later in life.

here's a full-grown Futard. he's just a big, dumb animal.

just check out these two lushes. ever see the film, "Barfly"?

Kung Fool. you can click to enrage
this little prick whilst he's kicking ass.

I don't know how this got in here.
hey, it's fun, though, isn't it?

Gary Coleman, a.k.a. "Mr. Big". that's fucked up.

"fuck Mom & Dad, and fuck the truck they rode in on."

"sorry, Sis, I didn't see ya in there... hey, lemme get ya a towel."

retribution is such an ugly, ugly thing. indeed.

cheer up, punk. it's just a lobotomy...

hasta la vista, baby...

last week's Big Blog


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