Website Ribbon donald james simpson / unbalanced sunday big blog sunday big blog: A KINDER, GENTLER BLOG*

Sunday, October 12, 2008


* Originally posted on October 9th, 2005.

in an effort to be less abrasive (as well as deflect the heat I've been taking from the censors), I'm going to tone this thing down a notch or two, going to be a bit more cultured and ethereal.
this week, we'll be viewing some different and interesting forms of art.
the image above is a beautiful rendition
of a Celestial Event. we call this "New Age".

here's a lovely psychadelic fish painting.

sculpture's always a safe bet for a tour.

graphic arts and computer work are an up and coming thing.

photography is considered by many to be an art form....

....and it's been around for a while, too.

of course, there's nothing like a good watercolor to stir up the old emotions....

.... um ....

oh, FUCK IT, here's a DEAD DOG....

....and there were thousands killed in a terrible earthquake this morning.

how 'bout George W ripping the man-flesh from an unsuspecting public?

not much better than a murder scene, eh?

meet Mr. Potato Klan.... THAT'S pretty fuckin' cheerful, huh?

....well, I feel better now that that's out of my system. come and visit again next week, I'm going to have a Parade of Vomit.

last week's BIG BLOG


Blogger Mohawk Chieftain said...

Ahhh... Much better than an enema! And I don't have to wipe...

November 3, 2008 at 4:31 PM  

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