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Sunday, February 19, 2006


I've got some images backlogged of some pretty good practical jokes. of course, there's something to be said for turning someone into the butt of your jokes, especially if you don't really like 'em. the animation above shows a monkey who doesn't really like his chum, so he's making an ass out of him. hilarious. here's some more fun ideas...
(click any image to enlarge)

this is Jim the Roofer. I don't like Jim, so I told him we had a new dress code at work. not only did he fall for it, but old Jimmy here was arrested by Homeland Security, because we were working at the airport. what a hoot!

set fire to your neighbor's property. hah, hah, funny!
oh, don't do this if you live in an apartment building.
yup, that's a hot one, alright.

put up one of those roadside death markers.
if you know someone who actually stops to read these, put it
where you know he'll see it, and put his Dad's name on it.
yuk, yuk, yuk!

if a guy named "Abdul" moves in next to you, tell him that
Disco is really "in" . then, get him a Slurpee machine.
just don't get him any lessons at a flight school.

of course, there's always the time-honored tradition
of spitting on someone from a high place.
look out below, schmuck!

one of my personal favorites. when that ass-hole
of yours goes on vacation,
you can turn on his garden hose and let it run...
... and run, and run, and run.
this works best in trailer parks.

find a really old person, and put a big rock on his Barcalounger. then, tell him a meteor fell on his wife. this prank can be enhanced by ripping a hole in the guy's roof, then stealing a cadaver from the local undertaker to put under the rock.

finally, here's a great shot of the old "Missle Balloon" trick! just remember, though, the higher the speed limit, the more accidents you'll cause... so make sure you pull this stunt on the expressway, preferably during rush hour. this sphincterrific photo was forwarded to me by my friend Donna, who recognizes the value of a good joke.

last week's Big Blog