Website Ribbon donald james simpson / unbalanced sunday big blog sunday big blog: THE SHOPPING SPREE

Sunday, May 31, 2009


Welcome to the Digital Age, there, campers! ya know, I own
five, yes, five digital cameras... there's Fat Man, Little Boy,
my trusty Secret Weapon, the Web Cam built into my Lappy,
and, as if that wasn't enough, when I got a new phone some
time back, I made good and damned sure I got one that has
a camera on board. I usually have my Secret Weapon with
me, but, not at all times... thus making the camera phone a
basic neccessity. I mean, I try to never ever miss a genuine
and bona-fide photo-op. plus, there's always the very distinct
possibility of spotting a Tornado, explosion, or a UFO. yup.
nah, all seriousness aside, it gets used a lot more to get pics
of the odd and unusual I run across in day to day activities...
... like, when I go shopping, for instance. today, we're gonna
take a Big Blog look at some images I got whilst shopping, ya
know it? now, when I go shopping, I like it to be quick and
to the point... that is to say, I don't want a bunch of mindless
wandering, or a shitload of comparative pricing, or a bunch
of noise from A) the store being like a fucking cattle car 'cause
it's so packed; or, B) kids screaming and yelling and running
around like a batch of filthy animals whose Mom and Dad
continually show off their collective lack of Parenting Skills
by not putting said Rug Rats and Ankle Biters on a fucking
leash, which is where some of them definately belong. come
to think of it, some of the parents should be on a fucking leash,
too, you bet. okay, so I gotta mentally and physically ramp it
up for a tough and gruelling day of Shopping... case in point,
the image up top, there... yup. 8:05? time for some Starbucks.
oh, yeah, we needs the extra dose of Caffiene and Sugar just
to make it through this stuff. hey, why don't you grab one for
yourselves, along with a Jelly Donut... and scroll on down...

now, the Starbucks is all well and good, there, campers...
... just don't litter like the three swine who left this mess...

... it was probably a bunch of fucking Jokers...

... or, maybe a gang of Clowns jumped out of this Clown Truck.

either way, I never hesitate to tell 'em what I think. you bet.

once inside the store, ya get hit with a barrage of items
carefully placed to induce Impulse Buying... like this suave
motherfucking Elvis Pez Dispenser. avoid buying this crap...

... instead, focus on Health Care products. are you Gellin'?

I'd give my left nut to see the shopping list this ridiculous
bastard was working on, ya know it? Mini-Pads, a Mouse,
and security envelopes? holy shit. he/she must be a Yorkel.

it's always a good idea to eat before ya go grossery shopping,
there, campers. that's why I chose this here Rib joint, where
Pigs can fly, and stuff. oh, and the food was good, here, too...

... but, out back, they had this swell fucking dumpster, which
was coincidentally being bombarded by Radiation at the time.

back at the Grossery Store, now. what's that? ya say
you're still a little bit hungry, huh? well, ya won't be...

... right after ya run across this wonderful Drinking Fountain,
where someone was courteous enough to puke up some Corn.

supposin' we head to the office supply area... where you can
purchase this great new calendar of Nuns Having Fun. yup.

if ya pass the Shoe Shine Parlor on the way, you can pop on in...

... but, not me. I shine my shoes with this Jig-A-Loo spray
lubricant, available in the Automotive section of the store...

... which is where I got this photo of a batch of tires. oh, yeah.

on the way to check-out, I usually like to stop in at the
Lawn & Garden section. which is fucked up, because I don't
have a lawn or a garden. hey, I gots Worm Poop, though...

... and, near the cash registers... Sponge Bob Square Towel.
more drivel added to the Impulse Buy pile of shtein and crap...

... but, at least it did come with this tag, here.
talk about Truth in Advertising, ya know it?

well, my shopping is almost done, and I needs a beer.
check out this batch of Fat Tire, the beer that made
Brussels famous. well, maybe not. looks good, though...

... even in the Quart size. ya know, I bet this tastes like shit...

... I'll just fight the Snake to get some Mickey's Malt Liquor.

on the way out, I saw this fucking Peach of a sign. that's cold...

... try to hold it together, though. it's just a job, ya know it?

see ya next week...

last week's
Big Blog


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